Bry Tat
Have you ever watched the show "Whale Wars" on animal planet? I watched an episode the other night, I had never even heard of it. Here is the rundown. A bunch of hippies have banded together to get on a ship and go after some Japanese who are whaling. (Whaling is illegal by international law, there is a loophole though, whaling is allowed for research purposes but each nation may set their own quotas. The Japanese have a very large quota.) Anyways, the hippies are going after these whalers; they believe they are in the right, because killing whales is bad. I can dig that. But the Japanese think that they are the good guys, and the hippies are "eco-terrorists, out to terrorize them." It makes you think about perspective. How other people can perceive you. You may think that you are doing the right thing, but everyone else could see you as a monster. It makes you want to take a good long hard look at what you are doing. Are you truly doing the right thing? Or have you somehow talked yourself into thinking its the right thing. I look at those people and think they are unexperienced people without the right equipment risking their necks for some whales. Its all about perspective, the way you see yourself and the way others see you are totally different, so watch out!
Bry Tat
My mom mentioned that she couldn't wait to hold her own grandbaby (with the mention of course that she didn't mean right now, of course.) My family is very conservative. We are the last of a dying breed. I don't know that there are many children who get brought up the way we did anymore. I don't know why things have changed. I know time moves forward and times change, but do children have to be brought up to be heathens nowadays? I think things started changing once spankings started being frowned upon. I don't understand it, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Before, when a child did something wrong, he got a spanking. Then, for the most part, the children grew up to be upstanding, polite, adults. Not anymore! Now I walk into walmart and hear children back-talking their parents, being rude to other people, using words I have never in my life used. And their parents do nothing! They say that they don't know what to do, they have tried everything. Did they try spankings? It worked for my great-grandparents, my grandparents, my parents, and me. What has changed that it can't work anymore? Nothing except that a stigma has been placed on corporal punishment. When spankings are conducted, they have to be done in secret with the parent making the child swear they won't tell anyone. I bet if we dropped the taboo and brought corporal punishment back into the home. Children wouldn't be growing up to be lying politicians, pirates, and ponzi schemers. My dad has a favorite saying, it is straight out of the Bible, "Spare the rod, spoil the child" I think people should go back to listening to the Bible instead of decrying its usefulness and ignoring it. I think the world wouldn't be in the crisis it is if people just obeyed even the ten commandments.
Bry Tat
Well, I have decided to join the world of blogging. Not much is going on in my life right now, I am a student who is taking a break for the summer. And I'll tell you what... it is one hot summer, and it just started. I am a very opionated person, so if anyone gets offended, sorry, don't read my blog anymore, because the way I see it, somebody is going to get offended and have to comment about how offfended they are because thats what people do these days. Oh well, its no skin off my nose.
Bry Tat
I was watching the news the other day with my boss, who is a proud democrat. The spot was about the anti-semite who walked into the holocaust museum and shot up the place, killing a guard. Scrolling across the bottom were the mans words. "The country is run by jews... Obama is jew... and so on and so forth. Then my boss turns to me and says, "I hate that right wing crap." I was floored. Had he paid any attention to what had just been reported? Thinking back I realized that democrats have selective newswatching skills. Anything that sounds ridiculous is probably something that is made up by republicans. I then tried to explain to him that I was a republican and that man's words had nothing to do with right or left. He then turned the discussion into a personal attack on me! This isn't the first time this has happened. I have come to the conclusion that you cannot talk politics with a democrat. For one, they have no idea what is going on, and when they do watch the news, like I explained before, they have "selective newswatching", and when you back up your facts and sound like you know what you are talking about, they turn it into a personal attack on you or your beliefs! Liberal people do not know what is going on with anything, they just vote for their democrat and applaud anything they do. I'm sure that this is not what our founding fathers had in mind when they came up with the bipartisan system!

I think this video illustrates my point exactly.

check out Obama's Nation: Your Ignorance is My Bliss on